Xperimentalhamid Amazing Son In Law Chapter 3798 - 3799
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Xperimentalhamid Amazing Son In Law Chapter 3798 - 3799

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"The Amazing Son In Law Charlie Wade Chapter 3798" is one of the themes of the novel that is currently much anticipated by loyal readers of The Responstrik Blog. So, for you, no matter where you are, you can also join in bookmarking this blog to make this site the best new media of your choice.

But you need to remember, all this information about "The Amazing Son In Law Chapter 3798" is just a revision story. 

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The Amazing Son In Law Chapter 3798 ( The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3798 )

"Well!" Orrin Sun gave a signal, and after that, he immediately groaned:

Wanlong Temple is a sharp sword. Chener, if you can include this knife in your order, then that step you're working on will be the icing later!

Orrin Sun reminded everyone after he finished speaking.

After all, Charlie, how to take advantage of Wanlong Palace wasn't one of those jokes that could make a lot of people laugh.

"All things are well-considered, their status is extraordinary, and there are a large number of people currently under their command."

If they are handled unwisely, then there is a possibility that they might be given to you.

"You've indeed brought up a lot of problems that are completely pointless, so Chener, do you currently have a specific plan that we can implement towards the next step?"

Not long after that, Charlie immediately answered.

You guys have to remember that most of the Fortune soldiers in Wanlong Palace are currently still overseas.

Actually, I don't have any plans to give them permission to come to China later.

So I'd most likely prefer to allow them to have one stable place that they can rely on later, especially when they're overseas.

Isn't it like before, passing through various war-torn places?

After speaking, Charlie said once more:

It is ideal to choose a base for them, let them grow, and change their business methodology.

"They used to be pure hired warriors."

"You can help whoever you want."

"When you are in the process of getting something done, of course, there is no specific understanding of good and bad."

So now I've done a lot of things that were very useful and maybe vice versa, that is, I've done a lot of bad things.

Later, I'll build a vibe for them, a tone that basically can't go against any sovereign nation on the planet; that is, they can only recognize the legitimate position of a sovereign state at a later date, and at a later date.

At the same time, they should not become enemies of any sovereign nation.

Overall, if a country asked them to attack a different country, this kind of thing was completely unacceptable, unless a country recruited them to give up unlawful military service so that they could have a proper relationship with the standard world.

Orrin Sun gestured properly and said,

In fact, despite the fact that this is a reality where the weak can eat the solid, the real rationale is to pay attention to legal standards. "

"If at this time you do have the determination to help a sovereign country, then you should be able and promise to maintain the applicable legal standards."

After speaking, Orrin Sun said once again:

In any case, Charlie, I think you would be advised to make the Wanlong Palace more complete.

Charlie asked hastily.

"Uncle Orrin (Sun), luckily you have an idea."

Similarly, when Orrin Sun was about to speak, Angie, on the edge, really wanted to say,

"Angie, aren't you two actually talking on the terrace right now?"

The food is ready, so we should go inside and talk while we eat!

Stefanie Sun was holding Charlie's arm firmly now, and said softly,

Indeed, Father! I am so excited. I just believe that Charlie will be back to deliver our meal together.

Right, right, right! Orrin Sun smirked.

"Charlie, come in and talk while you eat!"

Quickly, the four people moved to the manor lounge area and sat down at the dining table.

When Charlie fell, he couldn't get up to ask Orrin Sun:

Uncle Orrin (Sun), do you have any thoughts or ideas about Wanlong Palace?

Orrin Sun said seriously:

Honestly, I had the feeling that assuming such a thing, only in the Ten Thousand Dragons Palace, he would normally turn into a chartered fighter set. Therefore, usually, that set was the most productive part at the moment and the most complete for running a battle. development.

Orrin Sun suddenly turned his head, and not long after he said, "Really,

In any case, Charlie, you must realize that your courtesy and indolence are fleeting.

"Since you need to raise the Wade family, one day you will, slowly, walk from the background to the stage. "Off you go!"

When that day comes, everyone on the planet will be aiming for you.

"There must be a large pool of individuals who need to uncover your alleged dark history, especially your enemies."

They will never let go of anything. I have the opportunity to trap and attack you in front of the world!

Wanlong Temple was still a mercenary association at that time, and you, as the original owner of Wanlong Temple, must bear all the bloodguilt of Wanlong Temple.

"When other people look into this relationship, you will be dismissed by standard society."

What's more, every time you are dismissed by standard society, it will not only affect your own standing but also that of the Wade family.

Therefore, my recommendation is that you make the Wanlong Temple complete the whitening and alteration at the earliest opportunity and guarantee that the Wanlong Temple is reasonable and legitimate throughout the world!

After all, if you acknowledge the Wanlong Temple today, it will be worth covering yourself from the thunder!

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3798 ( The Amazing Son In Law Chapter 3798 )

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The charismatic Charlie Wade novel that has been released by Responstrik has gone through a process of revision, so there is a difference in language style and produces in such away. If you enjoyed this Charismatic Charlie Wade chapter 3798, please share and bookmark it right away.

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We're just sharing what I already know and hopefully this Charlie Wade 3798 novel can entertain you. Make sure that you feel better than ever after reading Charlie Wade's Charismatic novel and have a good day.